Game-theoretic Approaches in The Analysis of Corporate Information Systems Protection Strategies

P. V. Konyukhovskiy, A. A. Shabalin


The paper is devoted to the problems of applying models and methods of strategic game theory to describe the processes of functioning of information systems. A bimatrix game model of information system interaction with an aggressive external environment is proposed. In this game the possible strategies of information system protection are formalized to a set of actions: priority of hardware, priority of third-party software, priority of own software, reliance on external expertise, reliance on a rigid security regime. Targeted sustained attack, random search, insider attack, hacking of adjacent system are considered as possible strategies of the attacking party. Under the assumption that it is possible to build a system of utility of the game on the basis of expert assessments, was demonstrated the possibilities of its analysis using the concept of Nash equilibrium, as well as its special case – «the trembling hand equilibrium». Separately, the paper considers possible ways of transformation of the basic static bimatrix model into a repeating game, as well as into a dynamic game with incomplete information. The latter direction is of particular interest, as it is more adequate to the realities of information protection and maintenance of sustainable functioning of information systems. In particular, the possibility of applying the concept of perfect Bayes-Nash equilibrium to develop a systematic protection policy has been demonstrated. A promising direction of implementation of the proposed models is their complex use together with systems (algorithms) of scenario forecasting.

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