Decompositions of the recursive matrices and its application to the implementation of the linear transformations

Stepan Davydov, Vasily Shishkin


We study linear transformations defined by the recursive matrices in this article. Such transformations are used, for example, in the Kuznyechik block cipher and the PHOTON family of lightweight hash functions. We have found all solutions of the equation X −1 (S T ) mX = S m for any invertible recursive matrix S m. We propose two ways of recursive matrices decomposition and its application to the software implementation of the linear transformations. Our implementations are sufficiently fast and require rather small amount of memory. We note, matrix (S T ) m implements multiplication by polynomial x m over the ring Q[x]/f(x). This matrix is also MDS matrix and has rather efficient software implementation. Proposed for recursive matrices Implementation 4 is 23% slower then implementation with LUT­tables, but it uses 8 times less memory. Since the inverse of the recursive matrix has the same decomposition, decryption software implementation is also efficient. We consider, our implementations may be useful for low­resource devices with software implementation of algorithms. We demonstrate the table with different software implementation results of the block cipher Kuznyechik in conclusion.

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