Overview of adversarial attacks and defenses for object detectors

Ekaterina Chekhonina, Vasily Kostyumov


Nowadays object detection is considered as one of the most popular fields of deep neural networks with numerous applications in critical areas: natural language processing, big data processing, DNA analysis, autonomous vehicles. However, detection object systems are sensitive to small perturbations in input data. They are imperceptible to the human eye, but they can completely mislead the DNNs. Object detectors are vulnerable against adversarial attacks and hardly could be embedded in real-life applications. Existing adversarial attacks can be divided into digital and physical adversarial attacks. Attacks in the digital world have strong attack performance in lab environments but are not so effective in the real world, unlike physical attacks. Defenses can be divided into empirical and certified. Certified methods guarantee reliability. Empirical defenses can be vulnerable against complex adversarial attacks. While the field of adversarial robustness is very popular, the majority of the work has been focused on the task of image classification due to it being simpler in structure than object detection. We review the prominent attack and defense mechanism related to object detection and propose its classification.

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