Mathematical model of regional industry management based on the analysis of its financial and economic indicators
This article proposes a methodology that can be used as the basis for a reasonable software package that allows: 1) to assess the economic state of a given industry in the region based on open sources of financial data and fuzzy logic; 2) observation of correlation dependencies between factors based on methods of correlation analysis and systems of fuzzy-logical inferences; 3) fuzzy-cognitive analysis of the industry in order to form a management strategy. The proposed concept of forming a management policy strategy has been tested at IT enterprises in the Rostov region. The result of the simulation is a set of indicators for the formation of management measures, improving the financial and economic situation in the industry by groups of all enterprises. The proposed methodology is a set of mathematical models, algorithms and software tools for automatic control of detection under conditions of complete uncertainty as applied to the financial and economic situation in the industry. It can be chosen to solve problems in the field of economics, sociology, biology and requires certain knowledge related to the study of random processes and the choice of their control.
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