The Russian market of online education for learning foreign languages: analysis of the current state and key development trends
The article presents an overview of scientific and methodological publications of practitioners, which discuss the process of introducing elements of distance learning technologies into the practice of online teaching foreign languages. The authors made a brief analysis of the current state and current trends in the development of the online education market for learning foreign languages, presented the results of an analysis of the online education market for learning foreign languages in the Russian Federation: the main market participants were identified, a brief description of the market volume and prospects for its development was given, the characteristics of the main (leading) players in the market of additional education and additional professional education are given. The results of relevant statistical studies on this issue are considered and the characteristics of existing educational products, electronic educational resources and educational platforms for learning foreign languages are given in terms of their functions and capabilities for users, as well as the interaction of students, tutors and teachers. The main features and prospects for the further development of the online education market are identified, the leading areas of which are not only teaching specialties in the field of information technology, but also teaching foreign languages and teaching in the field of creativity and hobbies.
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