Tools for Statistical Analysis of Online Student Testing Results

S. G. Magomedov, N.Sh. Gazanova, A. V. Tarasov, Ya. S. Gryukan, E.V. Nikulchev


E-learning and online testing have become firmly embedded in the educational practice of higher education institutions, not just during the pandemic. Digital technologies provide new opportunities to improve learning methodology based on the analysis of student engagement in the educational process and rapid assessment of the amount of material being learned. Online e-learning systems store a large amount of data, such as logging of user actions, saving time spent on interaction with certain components, time to answer questions of control or final certification tests, time spent in the online learning system. These data, as a rule, are not available to teachers and are used to control access to data. However, such data can be the basis for methodological analysis. In this paper, a set of tools for statistical analysis of test response times is formed based on the available data in the online testing system. As we know, response time on cognitive tests is an important research tool in the field of psychology. With the rich data set collected during the pandemic in e-learning systems, it is possible to develop psychological and pedagogical digital techniques for data analysis, which can be applied both to improve e-learning and to identify non-self or non-involved responses during testing.

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