Mobile application and algorithm for individual vaccination schedule tailoring for children

V.A. Kuznetsova, D.Y. Ilin, T.V. Belyaeva


Pediatricians, guided by the instructions for vaccines, the national vaccination calendar and other legal documents regulating vaccination in the Russian Federation, tailor up individual vaccination schedules for children to ensure the effective protection against dangerous infections. It takes a lot of time to tailor up a correct individual vaccination schedule manually, so it is rational to develop a tool that would automate the process, since an analysis of existing solutions has shown that they do not address this task. The article discusses a mobile application developed in the Kotlin programming language, which allows one to make an individual vaccination schedule for a child in a reasonable time. An algorithmic solution for scheduling based on a hybrid approach is proposed. The date of birth of the child, the list of previously administered vaccines (if any), the days of operation of the vaccination room, the working days calendar of the Russian Federation and the rules by which vaccines can be combined are used as an input data. The results of designing a mobile application are presented. Vaccine specifications and regulations are stored in JSON format. Examples of produced individual vaccination schedules for different input data are given, as well as screenshots of the application's user interface.

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