Choosing a technology stack for computing infrastructure for experimental research of digital currencies

A.S. Albychev, D.Y. Ilin


One of the research areas of central bank digital currencies is an experimental assessment of characteristics of the underlying technologies. Commonly, blockchain technologies are considered for the implementation of digital currencies. The assessment of technical aspects requires an experimental setup which can be implemented using virtual machines. Due to the decentralized nature of digital currency technologies, the number of virtual machines can be quite large, therefore, to prepare the experimental setup, it is necessary to choose a stack of computing infrastructure technologies that is adequate for the task. The paper considers 2 infrastructure options for hosting an experimental setup of 33 software-controlled virtual machines. The virtual machines are provisioned with Hyperledger Fabric, resource monitor atop and other software supporting the functioning of the experimental setup and the blockchain-system. The experimental launch of the given setup was conducted using 2 technology stacks for computing infrastructure. Technology stack based on Windows Server and VirtualBox 7.1 did not allow the launch of the experimental setup on the presented hardware due to excessive and unproportional CPU resource usage. On the other hand, technology stack based on VMWare ESXi 7.0 hypervisor allowed the successful launch of the experimental setup. However, it requires configuration of service virtual machines for the functioning of the computing infrastructure.

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