Thermal plant equipment technical condition assessment on the example of a condenser

I.A. Shcherbatov, A.N. Dolgushev, M.K. Belov, V.A. Agibalov, I.V. Salov


Due to the emergence of various technical methods for collecting and processing data, primarily related to the rapid progress in the field of telecommunications technologies and Internet of things technologies, it has become possible to set and solve completely new applied tasks, such as predictive diagnostics and maintenance - diagnostics and maintenance of equipment on based on predictive analytics and automatic monitoring of equipment status.

Mathematical modeling of complex control systems and single technological objects is, as a rule, the only objective method for making sound technical decisions in the design and operation of equipment to predict the properties of this equipment. The mechanisms of mathematical modeling currently being developed serve as the scientific basis for intelligent engineering decision support systems. The article discusses the development of a technical condition index for assessing the technical condition of the equipment of a thermal power plant (CHP). A mathematical model of a capacitor has been developed. An analysis of key parameters was carried out to assess the technical condition of the equipment. A step-by-step detailed calculation of the index, which provides an assessment of the technical condition of the equipment, is given. An example of calculating the technical condition for a capacitor is given. The mathematical model and algorithms obtained by solving the problem can be further used in a number of applied projects.

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