Some issues of increasing the competitiveness and maturity of infrastructure projects using information modeling technologies

Mihail Shahramanjan, Vasily Kupriyanovsky


The digitalization of the design process in construction, the digitalization of construction in general and the transition to supporting the entire life cycle of construction objects are clearly and obviously changing established processes. But the question of evaluating these measurements is also obvious. This article is devoted to quantitative assessments of the digitalization of construction. The adoption and adoption of building information modeling (BIM) as a technology and process in the architecture, engineering and construction industry marks a significant step forward in advanced digital transformation towards economic and other benefits. At the same time, it should be noted that BIM technologies cannot be considered as something given once and for all. They are constantly in development, which, as a rule, only increases the benefits of their use. One of the hallmarks of the construction industry is that it requires the collaborative efforts of several actors from different areas in order to effectively implement construction projects. The use of BIM plays a key role in this. At the same time, it should be noted that the main advantages of using BIM technologies in terms of economic costs will give the greatest economic effect after the completion of the investment stage of infrastructure projects and the transition to the operation stage. This is due to the fact that in the life cycle of a capital construction object, the stage of operation of the object is the longest, and therefore it is at this stage that the greatest economic effect can be achieved through the use of BIM technologies. An important circumstance of using BIM technologies at the operational stage is related to asset management.

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