Development of S-modeling and digitalization

Vladimir D. Ilyin


The review presents the relationship between the development of S-modeling (symbolic modeling of arbitrary objects in a human-machine environment) and digitalization (improvement of various types of activities based on information technology). In S-modeling, systems of symbols and corresponding systems of codes and signals, languages of S-modeling, methods of constructing, preserving, accumulating, searching and transmitting s-models of natural and inventive objects are studied [using computers, smartphones, and other programmable machines (called s-machines)]. The S-model of a natural or inventive object is considered as a mapping into a symbolic-code-signal environment, performed under constraints corresponding to the task for which the s-model is being built. S-modeling is used in science, engineering and other types of intellectual activity to build s-models of messages, interpret messages on s-models of concept systems, create network protocols and information resources, programming machine behavior, design, information interaction, training, etc. Computer programs, musical compositions, and other symbolic implementations of various designs can serve as examples of s-models.

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