Open BIM and automated accounting of construction volumes: from machine-readable standards to implementation

Mihail Shahramanjan, Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Alexander Klimov


Formalized ontologies are a computer language for describing ontologies, built in such a way that it is possible to describe knowledge (actions, structures, etc.) in such a way that there are no contradictions in them, and the notations of this language are understandable to the structure of today's and tomorrow's digital world. Such ontologies are commonly used as a strategy for open knowledge representation. The universality of such knowledge, inherent in their nature, implies their commonly used application, and today ontologies are very widely used in standardization. The latter seems to be the most important in understanding that the standards created in this way have the unique properties of being machine-readable and understandable in the digital world by computers or computing devices, while their openness implies free access and use by all through the mechanisms of the Internet. BIM technology and related processes are at the heart of how building design and construction practices can respond to the growing pressure on the construction industry, with greater complexity, shorter lead times and improved conservation while lowering the cost of the project and its subsequent use. The article presents a typical analysis of how construction costs and times are determined using BIM.

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Technical Roadmap


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