Development of a tunnel kiln digital twin

I.V. Salov, I.A. Shcherbatov, J.A. Salova, A.Y. Kosov, D.A. Chechetkin


Digital twins are increasingly gaining attention due to active research and implementation in many industries. There are several types of tasks where digital twins can be most effective: analysis and risk-based management of the equipment state, design and commissioning of new equipment, support for the operator, optimization of the business operations efficiency and personnel training, including students of technical schools and higher educational institutions. This article demonstrates one possible approach to developing a digital twin of a laboratory bench used for student education. The paper describes the development of a 3D model of a stand for the study of industrial energy facilities harmful substances emissions into the atmosphere, the conduct and processing of experiments to obtain a mathematical model of the stand based on its transient characteristics, the calculation of settings for temperature and oxygen content controllers, the creation of operator screens and a control program. The result of the work is a set of solutions, the combination of which will create a digital twin of the stand used for teaching students.

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