Development of the information system for the analysis of individual achievements in extracurricular activities of students and employees of educational organizations

E.E. Istratova, P.V. Lastochkin


Taking into account the personal achievements of students in extracurricular activities is a popular area in the field of education. However, the development of this area is difficult due to the lack of a comprehensive assessment methodology and the necessary information support. The purpose of the study was to develop an information system for the analysis of individual achievements in extracurricular activities of students and mentors of an educational organization. As an object of research, participation in extracurricular activities of students and employees of an educational organization was considered. The subject of the study was the analysis of the activity and effectiveness of this process for various categories of participants by taking into account their individual achievements. The research methods consisted in the formation of ratings and the determination of efficiency coefficients for various categories of participants in extracurricular activities. During the implementation of the project, an information system was developed to analyze individual achievements in extracurricular activities of students and mentors of an educational organization. The software was tested at Lyceum No. 22 "Hope of Siberia", located in the city of Novosibirsk. The results obtained confirmed the expediency of using this information system in educational institutions both for collecting statistical data on extracurricular activities and for their analysis. The finished software product may be of interest to schools, universities and various clubs that need a system for evaluating the performance of students, participants and mentors of various extracurricular activities.

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