Classification of components of the computer infrastructure of a distributed organization based on intellectual analysis and structuring of their characteristics

V.E. Brekotkin, E.S. Brekotkina, A.S. Pavlov, S.V. Pavlov


Ensuring effective management of large organizations in modern conditions increasingly depends on the availability of complete, consistent and reliable information about all areas of activity, which leads to a deeper, intensive and high-quality use of computer technologies. At the same time, the quality of the layout and use of the organization's computer infrastructure, on the one hand, improve the quality of management and organization of many production processes, and on the other hand, change its vulnerability, as they lead to the emergence of new threats, which are determined by the inclusion of new more complex components in the structure of the organization, disruption of the normal functioning of which can lead to disruption or malfunction of the entire organizations. As a result, it seems important and urgent to select the components of the organization's computer infrastructure at various stages of its creation and operation based on the intellectual analysis of the possible characteristics of these components presented in various databases of suppliers. Based on the analysis of forms and methods of structuring, storing and using information about the components of the computer infrastructure of distributed organizations, presented on information resources (websites, portals, applications) of a large number of suppliers, a method of formalized description and classification of components is proposed, based on the use and development of a set-theoretic approach to the formal analysis of a variety of possible characteristics of components, which allowed us to formulate criteria for the classification of components for the subsequent formation of the structure of a distributed database.


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