Simulation of Discrete-Continuous Motion by the D-SELF Algorithm

A.G. Ivanov–Rostovtsev, L.G. Kolotilo


An algorithm for controlling the dynamics of real systems has been developed. The algorithm is based on the space-time symmetry of D-SELF motion parameters in open dynamical systems. A balanced, discrete-continuous mode of displacement is calculated as a base for assessing the system stability. The parameters and equation of motion for balanced and real trajectories are determined. A 5-step procedure for applying the algorithm is described. Examples of modeling are given for: assessing the stability of the unsteady movement of the car; vibration diagnostics of the rotor; stabilization of gene expression in molecular biology; cycle-regulation of current assets of the company. It is proposed to use D– SELF modeling to solve design, diagnostic and adaptation objectives of system engineering. The method is presented as compact and economical in terms of resources used. The possibilities of the algorithm to create a control mode implemented at external influence (ultrasound, magnetic field), or at organizing internal regulation (changing the elements of the system structure) are noted.

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