Motion equation generator development for mechanical systems based on their short symbolic line description

Pavel Golomazdin, Oleg Dmitrochenko


A short review and analysis of existing methods of motion equations building for mechanical systems has been carried out. Advantages and disadvantages of reviewed methods have been pointed out. General principals of mechanical system description by a short symbolic line and an algorithm for motion equations building have been reviewed. A generator of motion equations based on the reviewed algorithm has been developed in the Matlab environment. The appliance and correctness of the developed generator have been verified by comparing theoretical results obtained manually to practical outcomes obtained by using the generator. Also a comparison of more complicated motion equations for mechanical systems has been carried out using the generator results and results gained by using the program package Universal Mechanism.

Since the short symbolic line description can be considered as a special language describing mechanical systems, its Backus-Naur form has been developed. Based on the Backus-Naur description an algorithm allowing to transform the data from the short symbolic line description into initial data for simulation in a program package Universal Mechanism has also been developed. Experimental tests of the developed algorithm verified its correctness and efficiency. Mechanical systems of a various complexity have been modeled using the algorithm.

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Programmnyj kompleks [Jelektronnyj resurs]: sreda modelirovanija «Universal'nyj mehanizm» - Rezhim dostupa: (Data poslednego obrashhenija: 28.02.2022)


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