Integration of the dynamic concept of knowledge change in gamified virtual educational environments
In educational institutions, the educational space should respond quickly to the needs of modern society, but in addition to speed, it should ensure high quality of education, its accessibility, as well as ensure safe information interaction. The implementation of such an educational environment is represented in a large number of various models carried out by high-level specialists who are not just passionate about their work, but are ready to study together with students and give them freedom of choice in obtaining new knowledge, skills and abilities. The modern educational space dictates the requirements that are conditioned by the present time: orientation to the specific needs of society; learning should be without coercion; the growth of personal knowledge; the desire to learn is based on self-motivation; students are responsible for the results that were obtained as a result of educational activities; flexibility in choosing ways and methods of teaching; self-assessment of students through criteria.
The article discusses the possibilities of integrating the dynamic concept of knowledge change to improve the effectiveness of learning using gamified virtual educational environments. Deterministic and random correlations between the levels of study and the development of key competencies by students are considered. Possible options for optimizing the development and use of gamified virtual educational environments are discussed. The possibilities of visualization of the educational process with the help of computer training systems by means of gamified virtual educational environments are investigated.
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