Formalizing the data management approach for complex systems
Onboard control systems are complex cyber-physical systems with dynamic data flows between subsystems. As research shows, existing software-algorithmic approaches are inefficient - many anomalies and faults of onboard control complexes are system failures (i.e., improper system behavior), and they are based on a misunderstanding of how the system works. Multicriteria optimization can be applied for system creation. On this way the characteristics of the system should be created based on its functions and the amount of data. The paper analyzed approaches for semi-automated generation of interface management documents. Part of the program interacting with the database to automate the development of criteria and ordering, data structuring of a complex system, creation of interface management documents was presented. The unification of interface management and control documents creation of the complex system and automation of data management of such a system will reduce the development time, minimize the risks of failures.
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