Development of a mobile application that helps people with color blindness

A. Krasnova, A. Obukhov, A. Romanova, A. Susanov


This article discusses the development of a mobile application in the Java programming language that helps people with color blindness. A method for developing a mobile application is described, which includes a comparison of analogues, an algorithm for writing the key function of the application, the principle, demonstration and explanation of the application. The scope of the developed application is indicated.

The main advantage of the application is a significant number of modes of color perception of the surrounding world, individually configurable for each person and well-trained neural networks, which, depending on the situation, can virtually interact with objects in the real world in a certain way, this is what will make this application convenient. The peculiarity of this product is the absence of any other analogues on the market. Based on this, it can be argued that this development will definitely make life easier for millions of people with color blindness.

The mobile application has many modes that can be individually configured for each user. The application translates those colors that the user does not see into another part of the color spectrum that the user sees - this will allow the user to highlight the object he needs against the background of the rest. The listed modes are selected by the neural network based on the optimal and most suitable option for the given situation, and it can also combine them. The application contains libraries of settings for each type of color blindness.

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