Evaluation of the use of ITU recommendations in forest areas for the propagation of the GSM signal
The creation of a modern voice transmission infrastructure on country roads with difficult terrain, remote and hard-to-reach settlements is one of the most important problems. Forest attenuation is an important factor in the design of new base stations. This is due to the significant influence of forest vegetation on the parameters of electromagnetic radiation of almost any range.
There are many techniques to determine the influence of the forest on signal propagation. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, which contribute to the determination of signal attenuation in forest conditions. Recommendations developed by the International Telecommunication Union enjoy a high reputation and are applied all over the world. Therefore, using the example of already existing communication facilities, methods for calculating the attenuation and propagation range of a radio signal for GSM technology, taking into account forest areas, are compared with actual indicators and the relevance of using the selected recommendations is assessed. A brief description of the methodology for conducting experiments and the methods used is given. The results of modeling the attenuation and propagation range of a radio signal depending on the type of forest are presented. The proposed methods, models and technical solutions make it possible to take into account the propagation of radio waves even at the stage of designing radio systems and communication devices for the practical implementation of a modern voice and data transmission infrastructure on country roads with difficult terrain, remote and hard-to-reach settlements. To solve the tasks set, methods of mathematical modeling, computational mathematics, system analysis, programming methods and full-scale experimental research are used.Full Text:
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