Administration panel of the multi-agent modeling platform with the ability to generate graphical reports

A. A. Burova, S. S. Burov, D. S. Parygin, A. G. Finogeev, T. V. Smirnova


This article discusses the design and implementation of the web client that plays the role of an administration system for the platform for multi-agent modeling of movements and interactions of actors within a city map section. All modeling logic in this platform is implemented directly in modules, while the software platform only calls it for specific, connected modules. The administration system under development displays the current location and topology of the actors, has functionality to manage the state of the modeling and the list of modules involved in the modeling, as well as the ability to display and change the properties of the model and each actor separately. The state of the model (properties and location of actors) is updated in real time, using the gRPC system, without the need to reload the web page. The system's user interface includes a map and controls. The software platform is implemented on the ASP.NET Core 5.0 framework. For the implementation of the web client, the Angular 11 framework was chosen using the Ant Design UI components. In addition, methods for constructing graphical reports based on the received data on modeling have been developed for the administration system.

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