Decision support system when choosing the best alternative (on the example of the wholesale purchase of drinking cow's milk)
The production of products of any category in conditions of natural competition is due to a competent choice of pricing policy. The launch of a new product on the market should be accompanied by a study of its competitiveness. Otherwise, an incorrect marketing strategy can lead, in the worst case, to bankruptcy of the enterprise. The article considers a software product that allows comparing the alternatives of manufactured products and demonstrates its work on the example of the wholesale purchase of drinking cow's milk. In recent years, Russia's self-sufficiency in dairy products has been at the level of 84% (with a target of 90%) - this is less than for grain, sugar, chicken and pork. However, if we consider the average per capita milk consumption, then in 2020 compared to 2014, there is an increase by 1 kg of this indicator. The current dynamics of an increase in demand for milk requires organizations, manufacturers of dairy products to continuously monitor the indicators of competitors' products, a better approach to assessing their products for their consumer properties. In domestic and foreign practice, to compare the performance indicators of the considered products in relation to the best indicators of similar products, various methods of comparative assessment are used. However, for the most part, these methods have complex calculations and require a certain qualification of specialists. In the presented article, the author's software product CAI-1.0 is presented, which allows, with less labor, to evaluate its own products in relation to competitors based on its consumer properties. The presented product allows how to evaluate products by their consumer properties in relation to similar products, and to evaluate the work of personnel based on the compiled criteria of the point-rating assessment. This makes it possible to use the presented software product as a tool for the distribution of material incentives among personnel based on the calculated share of the total value of the points of each employee.
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