Classification of data flows of control complexes and principles of differentiation into modules of elements of such systems

Liudmila Chizhikova


With the development of technology and new techniques, the need for complex cyber-physical systems is increasing. Practical example of such system with onboard control complex is unmanned aerial vehicles. When designing, developing and subsequent modifications of their software-algorithmic and hardware complexes, in addition to reducing the bandwidth of on-board computing network channels as functions and modes of operation of such systems increase, there is a possibility of regression of program code if the architecture is not properly designed. Classification of data flows and initial distribution of the amount of data according to the functions will facilitate the tasks of designing on-board control complexes, decomposition into modules and software architecture of such systems, to choose the optimal physical components. The paper classifies data flows according to the complexity of on-board control complexes. Classification of on-board control complexes allows to reduce total development time, design architecture, completeness of definition of all connections in the control system.

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