Web-based inventory at PT Yabes Mega Utama

Mery Mery, Devi Yurisca Bernanda


PT Yabes Mega Utama is a company engaged in trading, installation and maintenance of various product equipment and supplies. In inventory data processing activities, the process of making inventory reports is still done manually, causing problems including the inaccuracy of inventory data due to the long recording process, prone to recording errors, the process of checking data for items that are empty and making reports takes quite a long time. because you have to do a document search first. The purpose of this research is to assist the warehouse employees of PT Yabes Mega Utama in carrying out the processing and recording of inventory data and simplify ongoing business processes. The data collection method in this study is the method of observation, interviews, literature study, and documents while the system design method used is the System Development Lifecycle Waterfall method which consists of the stages of analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation. The result of this research is the creation of an inventory website application that can assist warehouse employees in processing inventory data. The conclusion of this research is that the inventory website application that has been built can help solve the problems experienced by employees of the warehouse department of PT Yabes Mega Utama in managing inventory in the warehouse and make it easier for employees of the warehouse department of PT Yabes Mega Utama in carrying out the inventory management process so that it can facilitate business processes. in progress.

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