Situational Digitalization of the Population Activities

Alexander Ilyin, Vladimir Ilyin


A review presents the concept basics for situational digitalization of the population activities considered as an aggregate of educational, production and other kinds of activity. Situational digitalization is studied as a means of stage-by-stage organizational and technological improvement of the object through planned transitions from the starting situation to the target one. The situations are represented by formalized descriptions of the predefined set of “State spaces” (defense, economic, etc.), which characterize the country potential. The object is monitored on the basis of portraits of the achieved situations. Information technologies, based on the situational digitalization methodology, are implemented in the human-machine environment for problem solving (s-environment), which serves as an infrastructural base of online services (banking, logistics, etc.). The definitions of public administration system, country's potential, the types and the portraits of situations, etc. are updated.

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