Development of an Information System and an Application for Receiving and Tracking Requests from the Technical Support Service of the Administration

D. Afonin, T. Astakhova, A. Romanova


The paper describes an information system and an application for receiving and tracking requests from the administration technical support service, developed on the 1C: Enterprise platform. The information system is designed to improve the work of the technical support service of the IT administration department by developing and implementing an automated information system for accounting and tracking applications received by the technical support service from users. The effective use of modern information technologies and systems can significantly increase labor productivity, improve the quality of work performed by reducing the time for information processing. As a result of the research, the features of the activity of the Technical Support Service were studied. Particular attention is paid to the process of passing the user's application to solve any problem. It is planned to achieve improvement through the development and implementation of an automated information system that will keep track of, as well as support applications that come to the above-mentioned service from users of the administration's IT infrastructure. In the "1C: Enterprise 8.3" development environment, configurations of the main and mobile applications were implemented that fulfill the task. The best aspects of 1C are manifested in the development of accounting tasks, and the task of accounting for applications from users of the IT infrastructure is precisely the accounting task.

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