Information modeling (BIM), subways, urban railways, and stations in the transport and urban environment in the ideology of transit orientation of urban development

Vasily Kupriyanovsky, Oleg Pokusaev, Vladimir Talapov, Alexander Semochkin


In this article, we continue a series of studies on the application (use) of information modeling (BIM) systems. The work deals with the use of BIM in the design of metro lines. Well-integrated transit and territorial development create urban forms and spaces that reduce the need for private vehicles. Areas with good access to public transport and well-designed urban spaces accessible to pedestrians and cyclists are becoming very attractive places to live, work, study, play, and socialize. This environment enhances the city's economic competitiveness, reduces local pollution and global greenhouse gas emissions, and promotes inclusive development. In this development, urban railways and subways stand out, creating the basic infrastructure for the transit orientation of TOD urban development. Using a number of examples, the use of BIM in such design in Russia and the world is considered. It discusses the distinction between so-called “small” BIM, meaning only partial use of the approach by individual users, and “large” BIM, which refers to the continuous use of BIM across all disciplines and throughout the life of a structure.

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