The technology of situational cost planning for socio-economic projects

Alexander V. Ilyin, Vladimir D. Ilyin


The updated technology of situational cost planning is considered as a set of methods and means of monitoring the state of a socio-economic project, building and analyzing portraits of situations, forming a set of requirements for the desired cost plan, calculating and evaluating the solution options. Situational cost planning is considered as a linear one-resource allocation problem, where the resource to be allocated, the requests for expense items, and the components of the plan vector are represented by the numeric segments. The technology provides the possibility of setting priorities for expense items and arbitrary linear relationships for the components of the plan vector. The problem is formulated on the basis of mandatory and orienting requirements that determine the allocation of the money resource for expense items with an arbitrary number of detail levels. The mandatory requirements include restrictions on the expenditure of the expected sum, which determine the feasibility of the plan, and the requirements of non-redundancy in the satisfaction of expenditure requests. The orienting requirements determine the direction of search for solution with higher efficiency and feasibility indicators. Depending on composition of the requirements, the problem is solved either by the method of priority interval allocation, or by the method of target displacement of the solution. An important feature of the method of target displacement of the solution is the ability to obtain a realizable solution in cases of formal incompatibility of the restrictions system. A brief description of the working online cost planning service is given.

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