Programming model for investigation of Energy-Efficient Compression algorithms in public sensing systems

Semyon A. Vorobyov, Tatyana А. Prikhodko


The fact that people are equipped with smartphones and smartphones are equipped with a variety of different sensors and various communication protocols allows them to be used as ad-hoc network nodes for solving public sensing problems. Public sensing (PS) technology allows the information exchange in society on demand. However, the energy resources of mobile devices are significantly exhausting participating in such networks, so the task of energy-efficient transmission of information remains relevant and actual.  One of the ways to save energy resources of mobile devices is to use compression algorithms for information transition.The purpose of this work is to develop a program for testing different lossless compression methods or their combinations to find out which of possible variant can save more energy being used in public sensing mode.The developed program simulate the mobile nodes transmitting information in Public Sensing mode. As a result, authors evaluated the feasibility and effectiveness of various compression methods.

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