Applied program toolbox for contrasts' analysis of digital image
Consideration is given to digital images carrying significant information, localized below the threshold of human eye contrast perception and not always amenable to processing by means of modern software. The reason for such failures lies in the fact that, with rare exceptions, contrast enhancement is performed by controlling directly RGB coordinates of pixels. An alternative is the authorized systemic software for transforming perceptual contrasts. In the present paper two concepts – systemic operation and systematic organization of contrast enhancement toolbox structure – are differentiated. From the standpoint of contrast effect, the appropriate regular software was analyzed on the sufficiency of its functional content and considerable gaps among the required nomenclature of contrast enhancing functions were revealed. The advanced software set, on the contrary, is organized systematically – the potential maximum of contrast enhancing modes being achieved. Besides, mechanisms for perceptual contrasts' control are unified and combined with mechanisms for same-name color characteristics' control. In addition to such optimization, the titular contrast enhancing procedures are integrated with the accompanying procedures, which are carried out by stand-alone tools in the existing today software. A number of new contrast enhancement functions have been implemented. A set of contrast (and color) transformation programs is provided with tools for originals' analysis and diagnostics, for processed results' visualization. The process of the created set testing is documented. The operation of Ishihara's tests is presented in terms and categories of contrast theory. The reformatting of one of them into a triad of threshold tests is detailed. The created toolbox passed probation, during which method was founded and preliminary estimates were given for the thresholds of eye sensitivity to hue-contrast, to saturation-contrast and to brightness-contrast. An overview of possible applications of program tools' set for graphic contrasts' analysis is presented. Priority is given to the field of expert activities. In view of expert considerations, the perspective for toolbox development is outlined. Within such a framework the informative anchors are affixed to indicate directions of further work.
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